Top 10 Ways to Fight Back Against the Cold Season
New Year, new start, right? Not if you succumb to sneezes and lurgies that are rife in winter.
Here’s how you can support your immune system, so that nothing gets in the way of you starting the New Year in sparkling good form.
1. Stub out smoking
Smokers have an increased risk of respiratory tract infections such as colds when compared to non-smokers – smoking also increases your daily requirement for vitamin C.
2. Eat the rainbow
Packing in an array of fruit and veg and enjoying a balanced diet may help to support your immune system.
3. Get your beauty sleep
Your immune system works much better when you get 7+ hours of sleep a night, according to a recent study.
4. Make sure your essential nutrients are on point
Healthy immune systems need good, regular nourishment. Deficiencies in zinc and vitamin C can lower resistance to illness. Alongside a balanced diet consider taking a supplement.
5. Limit booze
You’re probably looking to give your liver a break after Christmas, anyway, but too much alcohol weakens your immune system.
6. Gut feels
Scientists have found that 70% of your immune system is in your gut. Good or “friendly” bacteria are the kind you may wish to supplement in your diet. Nature's Bounty® Bounty Pro Gummies provide 2 billion “friendly” bacteria that's naturally found in the intestinal microflora and proven to reach the digestive system alive.
7. Don’t be a stress head
Stress is very bad for your immune system – it decreases the number of white blood cells that help fight infection. Chill out… and find coping strategies (think meditation or relaxing hobbies like reading).
8. Move your body
Moderate exercise can help decrease your chances of becoming sick. Find time for it, regularly.
9. Pop some vit D
With sunshine in short supply, it’s important to take a vitamin D3 supplement to keep levels topped up – a lack of vit D can make you susceptible to infection.
10. Prevention is best
One of the best ways to see off germs is to take steps to avoid coming into contact with them in the first place – for example, and seems obvious, but by washing your hands after contact with high-risk areas like public transport or bathrooms.